Have you ever found yourself feeling like you need to apologize because you are a "christian"?
I have! My Grandfather Stratton used to say, "never do business with christians or family". Why? because they will screw you every time! That part is my addition to his saying. Where do you suppose a saying like that comes from? I find that most of the time sayings are based in truth! This is no exception to the rule and if it sounds like I am pissed off well that is probably because I am.
Never do business with Christians, what a sad commentary on those who "profess" to be followers of The Way, disciples of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, the Savior of the world... need I go on? Is it any wonder why Christianity in America is on the decline!? Is it any wonder why people are afraid to open their mouths and talk to someone about the "change " and "difference" God has made in their lives? One, because there is no difference, and two the person they are talking to has probably had some BAD experience with one of those so called "christians". I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the times I have been wrong in some way by a professing christian. I find it totally unfathomable that we have fallen so fare as to be the "bad taste" in people's mouths. Being a Christian is not a "get out of jail free" card. We act as if we have license to live as we please, do as we please, and it's OK, to bad so sad for everyone else. what is up with that? Have we no sense of shame? Are we nothing but excuses blaming others and even God for our actions?
Have we as Christians not been called to a HIGHER PURPOSE, to be the a light unto the world, a light shinning on a hill for all to see, salt to the earth? We are to be what makes everything seem right and hopeful, a life filled with purpose for something bigger that our own greed and selfishness. We are to live a life of sacrifice for others who are in need. We are to love all others above ourselves and no one more than the Creator of all things; without whom we have not even our next breath. His very word holds the universe together. All creation sings His praises and that means ALL CREATION not just a select few humans, but that is another blog for another time.
What is it going to take to wake you "professing Christians" UP?!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!
John the Baptist said "Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand".
For those of you who will read this that do not have a personal relationship with God/ Jesus/Holy Spirit, I want to personally apollogise to you if you have had the misfortune of dealing with one of these so called "christians". You don't have to but I am asking you to please forgive them. You see, it is not that we are suppose to think ourselves better than others but that we are to be humble and serve and love others. Somewhere along the way "we" have lost sight of that. We have forgotten just what it truly means to be a "Christian". It is my prayer that you will give US a second chance. You don't have to and I would not blame you if you did not grant that request. I have met many people in my life that want nothing to do with Jesus Christ because of those who claim His name.
Please understand, I know that we are all human and that we make mistakes and do things that we should not. But, this should not be the norm!!!! Let us treat people the way we want to be treated and love people they way God loves people. The most important thing to God on this earth is .......? PEOPLE!! If your life as a christian is not about people that you need to step back and take another look at what you are doing. Do you realize that PEOPLE are all you can take with you when you leave this world?
All this comes from someone who has been there, had to ask forgiveness of those whom I offended and is moving on to better and HIGHER things.
Jesus said that when he comes back he wonders if he will find any of "the faith" left. We have not and are not "being" what we were created for. LET'S GET TO IT!!! What do you say?
As far as Family goes....... We all have them and have to deal with them in our own way. I will pray for you and you can pray for me!! :)