Sunday, March 28, 2010

Been A While

Hello my friends! I know it has been a while since I have posted anything and for those of you who have been following my posts I apologize. I guess I have been a little disheartened as of late. I don't know about you but I am so tired of those who are elected officials not listening to us. I am tired of the federal Government and even on the state level thinking that they know what is best for me!! Last time I checked...... I was a tax paying citizen in a "free Country" but I guess that just isn't the truth anymore. And if you think I am off the deep end let me ask you a couple of questions.

1. Where is the freedom in a mandatory seat belt law? Am I not an adult? If the government wants to require auto makers to put seat belts in cars hey that's fine, but don't be telling me I gotta ware one!!

2. Child seats in cars.... same thing. Who's children are these? Do they belong to the state or to their parents? If I want my child up front with me then that is my business not the governments.

3. Since when has it been a crime to speak out against something you don't agree with.... oh ya that's right just recently!! You know I bet King George didn't like those rebel colonials in the "new world" telling him to keep his noise out of their business either!!

4. Where is the freedom, PLEASE, tell me where is the freedom when a government tells me I have HAVE to have medical insurance or I am going to be fined? Please where is the freedom in that?

5. And the list could go on and on but I won't keep going. I am sure that if you gave it just a little thought you could add more to my list...?? couldn't you!

What do you do when you keep talking and no one is listening? When talk is not getting the job done then what do you do? Do you sit ideally by and watch everything that you have fought for just go down the drain? Are you going to sit there and let America be turned into a Socialistic state run by those to whom the rules do not apply? Just when is enough, enough?

So, you realize that what I am writing is on the verge of being against the law? Just asking questions and saying what needs to be said. Big brother wants to make anyone who questions them out to be a terrorist. I wonder if King George would have considered our Forefathers to be "domestic terrorist"? I wonder if this blog will put me on some watch list?

Sound paranoid? well stranger things have happened and are happening every day.

Where are the Statesmen, the leaders who love America and freedom more than politics and power, more than status and financial gain? Is there no one who will stand up and lead us forward to back where we used to be?

You ask, "What is this world coming to"? JESUS!!!!! my friend this world is coming to Jesus weather it wants to or not.

Remember the most important thing on this earth to God is people.... so be about His business and make your life about people, no matter what you do to put food on your table and pay your bills, make your life about PEOPLE!!!!!


Friday, January 1, 2010


Well, a new year has begun!!! Happy new year to everyone who reads this. I am looking forward to this year with great anticipation for what is going to happen in my life and our country.

I have come to realize that most of the failures in my life are NOT because my plans failed but because I really failed to have a plan. So this year is going to be different for me. I am not a believer in new years resolutions but I am going to have some specific plans for my life this year and I am going to work those plans to their fullest extent and see what happens. My father used to always say that the test of a man's character is what it takes to stop him and you know what? He was and is right!

Just remember one thing, if you decide to join me on your own 2010 make a plan and work the plan endeavor. God is in control and He has his own plan and is working that plan. He also has a plan for your life, so you might want to spend some time with Him before you set out to make your plans. ;)

May God bless you this year beyond all that you could ask or think and my you have peace in the midst of the storm.

WAKE UP TO THE REALITY......... OF GOD........ PERIOD!!!!!!!!