Monday, November 30, 2009


As I had my quite time this morning I found myself think about all the people I know that "seem" hollow and empty but endeavor to put on a good game face. Ya know what I mean? They are all smiles and laughter but if you can get a look into their eyes there is an emptiness that is longing to be filled. And then I wondered if I come across to people like that? Do people look at me and see a genuine individual who loves life and those around him or do I appear hollow and empty?

Don't get me wrong, I don't feel hollow and empty! When I look in the mirror I actually like who I see. (except for those unwanted pounds) But I would not want to give the wrong impression to those I come in contact with. Keeping my life "real" and my attitude where it should be is something that I work at daily. I don't care to much for General Collen Powell's politics but I did hear him say one time that if he could tell the young people of today anything it would be, "to have a sense of shame and don't give me any excuses". I thought that that is pretty good and applies to a lot of grown ups also, including myself. What does it mean to "have a sense of shame"? I suppose it could mean a number of things to a number of people, so I will let you decide for yourself what that means to you. But, "don't give me any excuses" is pretty universal in it's scope and application! It is not an easy thing to swallow one's pride and admit the truth, but it is the RIGHT thing!

It is my goal to be as genuine as a person as I can possible be. What you see is what you get, no hidden agendas no mind games and please no manipulations!!! In doing so I am at peace with my God, myself, and with others and that is right were I want to be!

Keeping "IT" real is something that we all need a little more of from ourselves and from others.

Just a little something to think about as you go through life's journey. Remember the one thing about life is.....NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! WAKE UP!!!! The coffee smells soooooooo good!


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


For most of us it is still easy to be thankful! Even though it seems that every day we as Americans are losing more and more of our precious freedoms, this is still the greatest country in the world and I would not want to live any were else. Personally I am not happy with bigger and bigger government and out of control spending. I don't like the mentality of dependency on the government to take care of our problems. No government in the history of man kind has ever been able to sustain such an effort without enslaving its people through mass taxation and loss of personal liberty. I guess the American people will just have to get that figured out for themselves!

In spite of all "this" There is sooooooooo much to be thankful for. I guarantee that I will not go hungry on Thursday and I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I have a family that I love dearly and that loves me. I have a wonderful bride who loves me unconditionally and lets me be myself! I could go on and on. Please spend some time, concentrated time, thinking about what all you have to be thankful for.

Know to the "ACT". Thanksgiving is a verb, it is the act of being thankful or "GIVING" thanks. My question is, "to whom are you giving thanks"? It is an empty, hollow thing to just be thankful for something without the act of being thankful TO someone for which you are thankful! Historically, it comes from our forefathers giving thanks, not to the native indigenous peoples ONLY but to God, the Creator, and to His Son Jesus Christ. I know that this is not a popular opinion for many these days but that does not change the facts. This holiday is uniquely American and is one that the corporations and Wall Street have not been able to high jack. Do you realize that? Thanksgiving is the only holiday that we have left that has not been commercialized to death. It is the only "major" holiday that America celebrates that does not have its origins in a "pagan" ceremony. If you don't believe me just do a little research and find out for yourself. It is uniquely "Christian"!

Let me ask again, "to whom are YOU giving thanks" this Thanksgiving? I myself, will be spending some time thanking my God, Lord and Savior for all of His provisions, goodness, do overs, get out of jail free cards and unconditional love! But, I will also be thanking those in my life for their love, for there is not greater and costly gift that one can give.

Thank you for reading this blog and letting me share with you from my heart. And may God please continue to bless America!!

WAKE UP!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!


Thursday, November 19, 2009


"to be or not to be that is the question," . There are only two kinds of people in the world, did you know that? Really, only two kinds, it is really that simple! There are those that have good days with the occasional bad and those that have bad days with the occasional good. Those who see the class half full and those who see the glass half empty. So the question is, WHICH ONE ARE YOU? Now call me crazy, but I like to hang out with those who see the positive side of life rather than the negative. I am a positive person who chooses (notice the operative word there is chooses) to see the best in people. I want to believe that people are as good as their word. If someone tells me that they are going to do something I am going to believe them. I am always going to trust people and look for their good qualities. I am tired, let me repeat that, I AM TIRED..... of people who are constantly negative and always talking shit about others. Those who never see the good in anyone and heaven forbid that they should ever apologise if they are proven wrong. I mean what is up with that? Is being "right" so dam important that it means being wrong? Isn't that just the craziest thing you ever heard? COME ON PEOPLE WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!

I am a Christian and I make no apologies for it. I love being a Christian and trying to live my life the way that Jesus Christ modeled for us. His teachings are the most wonderful thing on the face of this earth and they have done more to transform mankind that ever has been, or ever will be! (in my opinion)

Being a Christian means that the glass is always half full, that we have eternal hope, everlasting joy that transcends everything that exists on this earth. We are to LOVE one another with a love that passes all understanding. Yes.....even those that make it hard to love. And if it means swallowing our pride and taking it on the chin so to speak then so be it! Jesus said that the world will know who we are by our LOVE, not by our bad attitudes and negativity! I am tired of talkers and not doers. James said in the book of James (New Testament) You can talk all you want about being a follower of Christ but until you show it by your works it don't mean squat!!! That is a paraphrase by me of course. But that is what it amounts to. If you don't believe me read the book for yourself.... I dare you! :)

I am convinced that the world is the way it is because we as Christians have not been what we should be!!! We have not lived "IT" before the world and therefore they have rejected it. We have no one to blame but ourselves.


WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!

just a little something for you to chew on.

Love ya

Friday, November 13, 2009


Philosophy, and religion, and God OH MY!!!!

Is there such a thing as absolute truth, something that never changes, that is steadfast and unmovable? Or, is "truth" a perception? I have heard it said that man determines what truth is and that it is different for every person. It doesn't matter what you believe in as long as you believe is something. Does that sound about right to you? Well I bet you kinda figured out that i would have a problem with this philosophy, and as I see it, a religion.

If every man gets to determine what is right/truth, then whatever he chooses must be correct. Hang on and follow me with this line of reasoning..... so if that be true, then those that are strapping bombs to themselves and murdering others in the name of their god/religion/philosophy/world view... what ever you want to call it must be right! Right? Because you just said that man determines what truth is. Now wait.... don't turn me off just yet... Here's the real kicker. If you maintain this believe and yet condemn someone else for the way they believe then you have just set yourself up as God, because you are now determining what is truth for someone else. As horrible as it may seem to you, those that kill others in the name of their believe system, whatever it may be, have a complete belief that what they are doing is "right" or "truth". And, who are YOU to tell them any different?

You see this is why there must be such a thing as absolute truth. Our Founding Fathers knew this to be true. Remember?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Sound familiar? Sounds like absolute unchanging truth, doesn't it? "their Creator" ... God, OH MY!
You see the problem is that if we say that there is such a thing as absolute truth and that it comes from God then that makes us responsible to God for our actions and our lives and how we live those lives. "We" as mankind do not like the thought of being accountable to God for the way we live our lives, so we chose to ignore it and say that man gets to decide what is truth. Our Forefathers knew the importance of absolute or universal truth. This is why it is so important that the constitution is not seen as a "living breathing' document that can be changes and adapted to societal changes.

There must be absolute truth that is above man and unchangeable by man in order to keep man from total chaos. Laws, morality, codes of honor and respect all these things that make us "human" come from absolute truth and when mankind gets away from that there is always mass death and destruction, chaos and injustice.

PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU, take some time to think through the logic of this argument. You must travel down the path far enough to see the logical conclusions to such philosophies. So, is there such a thing as "miss placed belief" I think I would have to say YES!! It is not enough to just believe in something, you have to believe in unchanging, absolute, universal truth.


I look forward to your comments.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Ever notice how the older you get the faster time seems to fly? Remember when you were a child and everything used to take forever? When I was a child we had family friends that lived in Petosky Michigan. It was a 4 hour drive from where we lived and it seemed to take forever to get there. Now a 4 hour drive is nothing. The school year was enormously long and Holiday vacations took forever to arrive. Now, the years go by with astounding speed and I can hardly keep up with the days of the week let alone the months.

All this to say that LIFE IS SO VERY SHORT!!!! I have lost all my grandparents most of my Aunts and Uncles and my father. I have lost friends who were younger than me. You never know when you get up in the morning what is going to happen that day. We don't spend much time thinking about it, I guess if we did we would get to depressed and just stay in bed. There is no promise of tomorrow and you can't go back and relive yesterday no matter how badly you may want. There is only TODAY, RIGHT NOW!! We must live each moment as if it could be our last because it very well could be. Be alive!! Be in the moment, present, aware of what is around you, in other words WAKE UP!

You may ask, "what's that got to do with a Mack truck"? Well let me tell you. Whenever I leave the presence of those I love, ie.... family, brothers, mother, WIFE or just end a phone conversation, I tell them that I love them! The reason is, if I were to get hit by a "Mack truck" I want them to know that the last thing I said to them was that I loved them. Of course the "Mack truck" can be anything that ends your life here on this earth.

I know for a fact that to many people and families do not tell one another enough that they love them. I hope that in light of the fact that life is short for all of us and you never know when your "Mack truck" will arrive, you will make it a habit to practice the "Mack truck" philosophy of life. Let those you love KNOW that you love them!

WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009


As the old saying goes, "birds of a feather flock together" and how about this one, "you are known by the company you keep", "EVIL COMPANY CORRUPTS GOOD MORALS". My favorite one is " If it looks like a duck, sounds like a duck, acts like a duck and hangs with other ducks, then it must be a duck"!!!!

Common people I don't care what you say, it is your actions that tell me who you are, always! This Major at Ft. Hood is living proof. We don't need all kinds of investigations to find out if his actions merit the label of "terrorism". Looks like, sounds like, acts like, associations........ call a spade a spade and get it over with.

It's not just this one incident. This attitude of, "it's what I say not what I do", is completely ridiculous. Have we lost all common sense in this country? Is no one willing to stand up and say it like it is? Have all our back bones been replace with P.C. noodles? I find this to be infuriating and I ain't afraid to say so........ so there you go just a little more to think about in this up-side-down world that we live in!

WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Something has been bothering me for some time now and I wonder if anyone else feels the same as I do? Have you noticed that the more technically advanced we get the more isolated we are? Have you ever been completely alone in a room full of people?

How did we ever survive without cell phones, the Internet, and cable TV? Seriously people think about it. We are constantly connected, plugged in, in touch but yet we are losing the art communication. Even on cell phones now we would rather "text" that actually talk to some one. When was the last time you sat down with someone and had a meaningful conversation? And I mean about the deep things in life, not who's gonna win the game or what movie you last saw. Can you carry on an intelligent conversation for mare than 10 minutes without losing focus or running out of things to say? We are losing the art of critical thinking and real true communication. I have noticed the inability of most young people and adults for that matter to be able to explain themselves or to hold an intelligent conversation. And if the cell phone rings all of earth and time must come to a stop so that they can answer it. that phone is the most important thing on the face of the earth.

The more ways of mass communication we get and the more ways of "staying in touch" we have, the more OUT OF TOUCH WITH PEOPLE WE GET. I hate to talk on the phone and I disdain texting. I love talking to people face to face so I can look them in the eye and see the emotions on their face, read their body language, share a moment of human contact.

WAKE UP!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!

Isolation via mass communication makes us more like machines and less like humans.

Just something to ponder while you are busy texting.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


I find this to be a very interesting question. There has been a lot of good and bad performed in the name of Christ but what exactly is a "Christian"? To me it is simply put that a Christian is one who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and attempts to follow His teachings. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RELIGION!!!!!!! Religion is made of man in an attempt to control the masses. Religion has always been corrupt and always will be because it is of man and not of God. Christianity is a way of life that permeates every aspect of your being. It is not something that you "do" but something that you "are". If you claim to be a religious person, just what does that mean? What does that look like in the "real" world? I don't give a rats ass what you say...... how do you live your life? Do you know what Jesus had to say about how you are to live? How can you profess yourself a Christian if you do not know what Christ said and more importantly how can you follow Christ?

If you want to have a relationship with someone you must spend time with that person, correct? So, if you want to be a "Christian" you must spend time with Christ. And let me tell you that is not an easy thing to do, but, no relationship is easy. Relationships take work that is all there is to it. If I don't work at my relationship with my wife then it will eventually cease to exists and so it is with any relationship. Look it is not brain surgery people. Don't over think this one.

Jesus as far as we no had very little to say about Governments. Why was that do you think? Maybe because it was not important to Him!? Religion is a form of government with all it's leaders and structures. And there have been and still are wars being fought over RELIGION! I find it interesting that in history true christians have never been an aggressive force to try to dominate anyone. I mean think about it! Now on the other hand Religion and Politics have plaid dirty down through the ages in order to dominate and control the people. That does not sound like Christianity to me.

Let us in the future try to make the distinction between Religion and Christianity. And if you are a professing christian please for the sake of all that is pure and Holy, act like one. If you don't know what that looks like get a Bible and read the book of James in the New Testament. This book is probably the most "practical" book on what it means to be a follower of Christ. I think that if you read it you will be amazed at how far off course "we" are.

WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!

Once again, just some questions and something to think about

Monday, November 2, 2009


I have a lot of friends that like to think of themselves as "liberals" or as some call themselves "progressives". I really don't care what they call themselves it doesn't matter to me they are still my friends and I enjoy their friendship. But, there is something that I have been thinking about lately and to me, it possess an interesting question.

Has there ever been a society that was destroyed or came to its own ruin because of conservatives? I am not being sarcastic or coy, I am being serious. Think about it. I have never heard of a society that came to an end because of it's strong work ethic, or high moral values or it's commitment to a strong family unit. I have never heard anyone say that a nation went down the drain because of their strong belief in God. To make it more to American traditional values, a strong Puritan work ethic, an adherence to judeo-christian values. I have never heard anyone say that they would have a better community to raise their kids in if people would just get rid of those stupid out dated "ten commandments" and live and do what ever is right in their own eyes.

Seriously people, I don't mean to offend anyone but Rome didn't fall because it was full of conservatives. It didn't crumble from within because of their strong belief in family values and hetero/monogamous relationships. Rome was at it's heart "liberal and progressive" where everyone did what was right in their own eyes instead of having a standard of high moral values to guide their lives by.

When I look at America today I see Rome all over again. It seems that we as a society are hell bent on getting rid of all those conservative things that our country was founded upon. Why do "we" want to rid ourselves of the things that have made our nation and it's people the envy of the world. I am not talking about unbridled capitalism fueled by ones own greed but a country set up and built upon, YES HERE IT COMES, Judeo-Christian Principles. Are "we" so full of hatred of things that are "Christian", "Godly", good and wholesome that our society is willing to destroy itself? Are we so blinded by our own selfish desires that nothing else matters but our own personal satisfaction no matter the cost to ourselves and those around us? Do YOU not see that the path we as a country are going down is the same old path that so many have gone down before us NEVER TO RETURN OR BE HEARD FORM AGAIN?

WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!

Just some honest questions and something to think about.

Ps. I am not talking about extremist of any religion or belief system.