Tuesday, November 24, 2009


For most of us it is still easy to be thankful! Even though it seems that every day we as Americans are losing more and more of our precious freedoms, this is still the greatest country in the world and I would not want to live any were else. Personally I am not happy with bigger and bigger government and out of control spending. I don't like the mentality of dependency on the government to take care of our problems. No government in the history of man kind has ever been able to sustain such an effort without enslaving its people through mass taxation and loss of personal liberty. I guess the American people will just have to get that figured out for themselves!

In spite of all "this" There is sooooooooo much to be thankful for. I guarantee that I will not go hungry on Thursday and I have a roof over my head and clothes on my back. I have a family that I love dearly and that loves me. I have a wonderful bride who loves me unconditionally and lets me be myself! I could go on and on. Please spend some time, concentrated time, thinking about what all you have to be thankful for.

Know to the "ACT". Thanksgiving is a verb, it is the act of being thankful or "GIVING" thanks. My question is, "to whom are you giving thanks"? It is an empty, hollow thing to just be thankful for something without the act of being thankful TO someone for which you are thankful! Historically, it comes from our forefathers giving thanks, not to the native indigenous peoples ONLY but to God, the Creator, and to His Son Jesus Christ. I know that this is not a popular opinion for many these days but that does not change the facts. This holiday is uniquely American and is one that the corporations and Wall Street have not been able to high jack. Do you realize that? Thanksgiving is the only holiday that we have left that has not been commercialized to death. It is the only "major" holiday that America celebrates that does not have its origins in a "pagan" ceremony. If you don't believe me just do a little research and find out for yourself. It is uniquely "Christian"!

Let me ask again, "to whom are YOU giving thanks" this Thanksgiving? I myself, will be spending some time thanking my God, Lord and Savior for all of His provisions, goodness, do overs, get out of jail free cards and unconditional love! But, I will also be thanking those in my life for their love, for there is not greater and costly gift that one can give.

Thank you for reading this blog and letting me share with you from my heart. And may God please continue to bless America!!

WAKE UP!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!


1 comment:

  1. Very Cool Tom. I had to look hard for my giving of thanks this year but I found it in the love of my boys. I thank God that they choose to be around me. They choose to spend time with me. They choose to come and sit in the same room where I am, just to hang.
