Friday, November 13, 2009


Philosophy, and religion, and God OH MY!!!!

Is there such a thing as absolute truth, something that never changes, that is steadfast and unmovable? Or, is "truth" a perception? I have heard it said that man determines what truth is and that it is different for every person. It doesn't matter what you believe in as long as you believe is something. Does that sound about right to you? Well I bet you kinda figured out that i would have a problem with this philosophy, and as I see it, a religion.

If every man gets to determine what is right/truth, then whatever he chooses must be correct. Hang on and follow me with this line of reasoning..... so if that be true, then those that are strapping bombs to themselves and murdering others in the name of their god/religion/philosophy/world view... what ever you want to call it must be right! Right? Because you just said that man determines what truth is. Now wait.... don't turn me off just yet... Here's the real kicker. If you maintain this believe and yet condemn someone else for the way they believe then you have just set yourself up as God, because you are now determining what is truth for someone else. As horrible as it may seem to you, those that kill others in the name of their believe system, whatever it may be, have a complete belief that what they are doing is "right" or "truth". And, who are YOU to tell them any different?

You see this is why there must be such a thing as absolute truth. Our Founding Fathers knew this to be true. Remember?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Sound familiar? Sounds like absolute unchanging truth, doesn't it? "their Creator" ... God, OH MY!
You see the problem is that if we say that there is such a thing as absolute truth and that it comes from God then that makes us responsible to God for our actions and our lives and how we live those lives. "We" as mankind do not like the thought of being accountable to God for the way we live our lives, so we chose to ignore it and say that man gets to decide what is truth. Our Forefathers knew the importance of absolute or universal truth. This is why it is so important that the constitution is not seen as a "living breathing' document that can be changes and adapted to societal changes.

There must be absolute truth that is above man and unchangeable by man in order to keep man from total chaos. Laws, morality, codes of honor and respect all these things that make us "human" come from absolute truth and when mankind gets away from that there is always mass death and destruction, chaos and injustice.

PLEASE, I BEG OF YOU, take some time to think through the logic of this argument. You must travel down the path far enough to see the logical conclusions to such philosophies. So, is there such a thing as "miss placed belief" I think I would have to say YES!! It is not enough to just believe in something, you have to believe in unchanging, absolute, universal truth.


I look forward to your comments.

1 comment:

  1. HUGE Wake up Call!
    Thanks for the post!
    You amaze me with your knowledge.

    Love ya brother!
