Monday, November 30, 2009


As I had my quite time this morning I found myself think about all the people I know that "seem" hollow and empty but endeavor to put on a good game face. Ya know what I mean? They are all smiles and laughter but if you can get a look into their eyes there is an emptiness that is longing to be filled. And then I wondered if I come across to people like that? Do people look at me and see a genuine individual who loves life and those around him or do I appear hollow and empty?

Don't get me wrong, I don't feel hollow and empty! When I look in the mirror I actually like who I see. (except for those unwanted pounds) But I would not want to give the wrong impression to those I come in contact with. Keeping my life "real" and my attitude where it should be is something that I work at daily. I don't care to much for General Collen Powell's politics but I did hear him say one time that if he could tell the young people of today anything it would be, "to have a sense of shame and don't give me any excuses". I thought that that is pretty good and applies to a lot of grown ups also, including myself. What does it mean to "have a sense of shame"? I suppose it could mean a number of things to a number of people, so I will let you decide for yourself what that means to you. But, "don't give me any excuses" is pretty universal in it's scope and application! It is not an easy thing to swallow one's pride and admit the truth, but it is the RIGHT thing!

It is my goal to be as genuine as a person as I can possible be. What you see is what you get, no hidden agendas no mind games and please no manipulations!!! In doing so I am at peace with my God, myself, and with others and that is right were I want to be!

Keeping "IT" real is something that we all need a little more of from ourselves and from others.

Just a little something to think about as you go through life's journey. Remember the one thing about life is.....NO ONE GETS OUT ALIVE!!!! WAKE UP!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! WAKE UP!!!! The coffee smells soooooooo good!


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