Wednesday, December 9, 2009


I have been watching the game for so many years now and it is always played the same way. The problem is that no most people are not paying attention so "they" get away with it. Let me see if I can awaken you to this strategy that has been and is being so successfully deployed against us. Here is how it works. Let's say that you have something in mind that you want from someone else but you know that they won't give it to you. The question is, how do you get what you want? pretty simple question, right? Well what you do is ask for way more than what you what and in the art of compromise you end up getting exactly what you wanted. Or you make a situation out to be much worse than it is and out of fear the person gives you what you want. Or even if you don't have the power or authority you can threaten them or intimidate them into giving you what you want. The powers that be do this all the time! If you are "AWAKE" you can see it. Fore instance, the Cap and Trade Bill. There has been much debate over this bill and many believe that it will spell the end of our way of life as we know it. It basically is a huge tax program to make everyone,not just big business, conform to the ideology of Globalism. Just this morning on the news I saw where the EPA is now telling congress that if they don't deal with this bill and soon that they, being the EPA, will take over and do it for them, and if they have to do it, it won't be pretty. Do you see what they are doing? They want the bill put into play so they tell congress you had better do it soon or we the "EPA" will take matters into our own hands.

I am not going to go into the whole global warming "crap" but just let me say that in the 70's the same people were saying that we were going into the next ice age! I wish they would make up their minds, don't you? Also if there wasn't some sort of global warming going on we would still be in the freakin "Ice Age"!!!!

Always look for the hidden agenda and always follow the money. ALWAYS FOLLOW THE MONEY!!! do I need to say it again, because I will!

In the words of our government officials, "never let a good emergency go to waste". How do yo think the Patriot Act got passed? Fear is being used to get people to give up their freedoms and American sovereignty . I don't know about you but I am not ready to give up my God given rights of "Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness" Are you? Are you living in a "spirit of fear" ?

WAKE UP!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!


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